Category: Panoramic

Fort Mason San Francisco, CA

Image for Fort Mason San Francisco, CA

Working for a new A/V company “McCune A/V” I was sent to set/op/strike a show over at the Fort Mason Herbst Pavilion. Some might have heard of Fort Mason outside of San Francisco by watching The Mythbusters. The host’s like using the Festival Pavilion allot to debunk different myths.

After getting the show up and running I had the chance to go take some pictures from the dock. First thing in my sites was Alcatraz Island. I decided that I would like a HDR pic of the island and set about getting my grouping. Since I hadn’t prepared properly I was without a tripod so I had to stiff-arm and hope for the best. I think things came out well.

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Pine Ridge Winery Panoramic

Pine Ridge Winery (Napa, CA)

I was working in the Pine Ridge Winery a few months back setting up some lighting for a dinner party. It look so nice I just had to take me camera out and snap a few photos. Ok My camera and tripod.

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